All Australian schools are transitioning to the new Australian Curriculum.During this time, South Australian schools will use a combination of the existing SACSA (South Australian Curriculum Standards Accountability) Framework and the Australian Curriculumfor curriculum planning, delivery and assessment.
The Australian Curriculum is being developed over three phases:
Phase 1: English, Maths, Science and History
Phase 2: Geography,Languages and The Arts
Phase 3: Health & Physical Education, Information & Communication Technology, Design & Technology, Economics & Business and Civics & Citizenship
In 2014 teachers will plan, teach, assess and report A-E grade or word equivalent, Years 1-7) in Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, Science, English, Mathematics and Geography.
The SACSA Framework will continue to be used for Health & Physical Education, The Arts and Design & Technology until the other Australian Curriculum subjects are ready for implementation.
At Paradise Primary School we are committed to 21st Century Learning principles to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities for learning and living in the modern era. 21st Century Learning combines the rigorous teaching of essential skills:
More information can be found at:
Australian Curriculum
SACSA Framework
Teachers use a range of strategies to differentiate the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of all learners. This includes funding for students with verified learning or physical disabilities and students with learning difficulties.
The school has an allocation for EALD support. This is based on a levelling (formerly ‘scaling’) process undertaken each year by teachers. Students from a Non-English Speaking Background who are identified through the levelling process will be supported.
Students eligible under the DECD Students with Disabilities Policy receive support based on their level of disability. SSO time from disabilities funding is allocated to each OCOP student. Classroom teachers are responsible for writing and maintaining the OCOP (in consultation with parents/carers) and providing programs/activities for the SSOs to use with the students.
Support is monitored and reviewed each term in Week 6 by the Student Review Team comprising Principal and Deputy Principal and regional service providers – Speech Pathologist, Psychologist Educational Services and the Interagency Behaviour Support Coordinator.
It is important to flag concerns about students needing support with the Principal or Deputy Principal on the Request for Support proforma.
Classroom teachers need to identify students as Wave 1 (able to go on with most tasks independently or as part of a group after explicit teaching), Wave 2 (requiring some additional instruction after explicit teaching before attempting tasks independently or as part of a group) or Wave 3 (OCOP students) for programming and planning purposes. It is important that the curriculum be differentiated to meet the needs of all learners.
Progress of all students is closely monitored to ensure that they are maximising their potential. Teachers follow a school-wide Assessment Program to gather evidence to inform planning.
Written student reports go home twice a year on the last days of Term 2 (Mid-Year Report) and term 4 (End of Year Report)
Parent-Teacher Interviews for all students are held at the end of Term 1 with optional interviews held at the end of Term 3 (either parents/carers or teachers can request an interview). Please note that interviews can be called for at anytime during the year if a teacher or parent/carer requires one.
At Paradise we offer our students a well-resourced library offering a variety of fiction and non-fiction titles. The collection is continually up-dated complementing all areas of study. The library promotes a warm and friendly environment and students are encouraged to display their learning. Primary Years (3-5) and Middle Years (6-7) students are able to borrow up to four books for two weeks duration. Early Years (R-2) students may borrow two books. A library bag is required for Early Years students. There is a borrowing session each week.
All students are encouraged to regularly use the library to borrow books and/or resources.
ICT is an essential part of ‘21st Century Learning’. Students and teachers at Paradise Primary learn and develop skills in Information and Communication Technology (computers and associated peripherals) across all areas of the curriculum.
Digital tools are used to critically design and construct texts, search for and sort information, present/share learning and communicate with others. Our computer suite has a workstation for each class member. Each classroom has a Smart Board (Interactive Whiteboard) and access to a pod of computers (either desktops or laptops) and mobile digital devices (iPads). The school is wireless networked allowing for ‘anywhere, anytime’ online access. A technician is employed to maintain the ICT infrastructure.
All classes receive one lesson per week (except where indicated) from a teacher specialising in a subject area. Classroom teachers supplement the programs where necessary.
At Paradise Primary we recognise the importance of a healthy lifestyle and its relationship to learner wellbeing. We are an eat well be active school and students are engaged in a wide range of physical and healthy activities. All students need to wear appropriate footwear for daily PE activities.
All classes receive a weekly PE lesson from a specialist teacher as well as Daily Activity sessions and extra PE lessons with their class teacher. During the year all students will be involved in Sports Day, PE Week, Bike Education and swimming/aquatics.
These two subjects are taught by the Teacher Librarian. Independent learning through inquiry and investigation and the use of Information and Communication Technologies feature prominently in the teaching of these subjects. All classes receive a weekly History lesson over the course of the year and will incorporate Cultural Studies. Geography is taught for one semester by the Teacher Librarian and by the classroom teacher for the other semester.
The PCW program is federally funded and administered through the local Schools Ministry Group. It is not religious education. Rather, it is a ‘listening ear’ service available to all members of the school community. The PCW engages with students two days a week (Mondays and Fridays) and works with whole classes, small groups or with individual students.
The PCW role is essentially about supporting student, staff and family wellbeing. Support is available to students during lesson and play time. Our PCW supports new students to the school to assist them to make a smooth transition. Students and parents are able to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time to have a chat. Our PCW is available every Wednesday morning for an informal chat over a coffee in the Meeting Room.
Signed consent is required for students to have contact with the PCW.
At Paradise Primary we offer students many opportunities to expand their learning and broaden their experiences. Students can participate in activities that include International Competitions for Schools – Computing Skills, Writing, Spelling, Mathematics and Science, Premier’s Reading and be active Challenges, Australian Maths Competition, STACT (Student Action Teams), SRC (Student Representative Council), Pedal Prix, Jump Rope for Heart Skipping Demonstration Team and a variety of sporting teams such as Soccer, Netball, Basketball, Cricket and Football.
DECD states that when homework is set the school ensures that:
Homework reinforces learning and helps students develop skills by:
A maximum of 15 minutes per day
Content may include – reading, sight words, phonics, other literacy and numeracy activities, morning talk preparation, weekly assignment.
Year 3/4 20 mins 3 nights per week
Year 4/5 20–30 mins 4 nights per week
Year 6 30–40 mins 4 nights per week
Year 7 40–50 mins 4 nights per week
Content for Primary and Middle Years may include literacy & maths activities, homework contract, reading to parents/carers, assignments/projects, study ladder, completing tasks.